This is a Digital Painting and my tribute to the late Chadwick Boseman. Even though his time here was short lived, his legacy will live on.

First things first, as I was starting this portrait of Laurasia Andrea, I quickly realized two things, I’ll never make a grid like this again, and I probably won’t use this particular brush again LOL, it was kind of difficult to blend with. But I like the way it turned out, it actually looks like a charcoal drawing, so maybe. This was done in Adobe Photoshop CS5 and took about 3 hours.


Lately, I really have been having this itch to do some abstract painting, then I realized that I had this old clay board laying around and I figured I would put something on it. The first attempt was bad, so the next day I gessoed over it and started over. That didn’t go so great either (LOL) so I put it under some running water and washed it off.

For my final attempt I said I was just going to stick to two colors (red and white) and I smoothly blended in the background. I let that dry then used some scotch tape to mask off different areas and added some black lines. The rest of it is captured in the video. I think it turned out good, too bad it’s only the size of a sheet of paper.


I have really been trying really hard to develop my own illustration style, or cartoon style or comic style, sketch style or whatever you want to call it LOL. I’ve been studying the greats, specifically Jim Lee (who I don’t come close to by the way)  to see if I can learn from him and kind of mesh that with my own personal style. I’ve always loved that comic book style of drawing but I could never really get the hang of it. I was a huge fan of Jim’s X-Men work in the early 90’s growing up, but I also like weighted lines, realistic shading and nearly close to realistic proportions. I will be sure to keep at it though, feel free to drop a comment and let me know what you think, until next time. ✌🏼